Ensure the Highest Levels of Safety and Productivity on Your Next Project

Thanks to rigorous training in state-of-the-art facilities, UBC Pile Drivers are recognized as the best-trained and most-prepared workforce for any foundation project in any location. Whether we work in the offshore wind industry off North America’s coasts or the surging heavy highway projects needed throughout America, our standardized training ensures that every pile driver possesses the same superior skills.

Mission-Critical Work in Building North America

From marine construction to renewables like offshore wind, UBC Pile Drivers can be found throughout the United States and Canada. Here’s a sampling of our areas of expertise.

Core Capabilities

  • Concrete Form Systems
  • Concrete Form Systems
  • Bridge Building
  • Welding
  • Layout
  • Equipment Usage and Maintenance
  • Tool Safety and Maintenance
  • Rigging
  • Material Handling
  • Cutting and Burning

Safety Training Programs

  • OSHA 30 (Construction — U.S.)
  • Construction Safety Training System (CSTS — Canada)
  • First Aid; CPR; AED; Bloodborne Pathogens Construction Fall Protection
  • Scaffold Qualification (U.S.)
  • Confined Space
  • Hazard Communication and Chemical Safety
  • Mobile Elevated Work Platforms Operator Qualification
  • Powered Industrial Truck Operator
  • Rigger and Signaler

Quality Work. Competitive Cost. Consistent Results.


Superior productivity is guaranteed with pile drivers from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. Contractors who employ UBC Pile Drivers have access to unlimited, ongoing training for any project, and an experienced workforce that gets the big picture: When the project is successful, everyone benefits.


Starting with pre-project conferences to outline the scope, workforce needs, and scheduling, our contractors keep lines of communication open throughout the life of a project. And we adjust work schedules around peak production hours to keep projects on time while your production doesn’t miss a beat.


At the core of every training course and on the minds of every jobsite crew is safety. A safe work site is achieved only by comprehensive training for every pile driver on every project. That’s why our members must complete and achieve mastery of a full line of health and safety training courses.


The UBC’s International Training Center is an unparalleled state-of-the-art facility where pile drivers hone their knowledge and skills in classrooms and real-life jobsite scenarios. Our training protocols ensure that UBC Pile Drivers are trained to standards that produce the same highly skilled labor regardless of industry or location.

"I was both pleased and impressed during my recent visit to the Eastern District Pile Driving Center. As the demands of our industry continue to evolve, it is critical that we maintain a productive work force that is current with regard to knowledge of means and methods, equipment, safety, and quality standards. I appreciate the commitment and level of effort that the carpenters are putting into the proper training of current and future employees, in both the carpentry and pile driving trades."

Jeff Rose, VP, South State Inc.

UBC Pile Drivers & Divers

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